Sunday, April 6, 2008

Michigan Rites of Spring

Ah yes, Spring time is here. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining and the snow angels are in full bloom. Yes, we still have about 2-4 inches of snow on the ground. Hopefully it will be melted by June first.

So the Michigan rites of passage are in full bloom- Tigers games, spring cleaning and Thawing of the Cans (see pic).

The neighbors are all in spring garb and enjoying the day. Then comes out Kenna, see the next pic and know she'll never catch a cold!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Kawanis Award

Young Americans

This March the Young Americans came to Gaylord St. Mary's to give a concert. The students of St Marys were able to participate in the concert, and did GREAT! The Young Americans are a touring group of singing and dancing teens. It's quite a big deal. Kenna was able to sing with them and was so excited. Of course, after they left the next day she was devastated as her singing buddy, Kate, was gone. But here are the photos.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring is here?

Well the calendar SAYS it's Spring, but did Mother Nature get the memo? It's now April 4th and we've still got a backyard full of snow, parking lots with 6 foot high snowpiles and winter coats. Kristina's softball season is under way, but their first game will probably get postponed. As well as the second and third.

We've got mor photos on the wayu of the kids as well.

Kenna has recently received the Kiwanis Citizenship Award at St Marys school and Kristina has been chugging along with her Gaylord High studies. She recently completed her JV Basketball season and now is the starting left fielder for her JV softball team.

Paula had a hysterectomy on the 28th of March. Her GYN attempted a uterin ablasion and it did not go well. She's been on disability since January 31st and getting tired of sitting around.

Terry is still on the road as a Senior Paramedic/ FTO and in the fall is starting an EMT class through Kirtland Community COllege. He is also teaching a paramedic class in the spring. Very busy with education.

So theres the most recent skinny. We will post the latest pics with more to come!